US State Department Hosting Valentine Kalende
13 07 2010

Valentine Kalende is one of Uganda’s most outspoken and prominent human rights activists. She is focusing on LGBT issues and advocacy. Ms Kalende will discuss these issues with members of government agencies, nongovernment organizations, faith groups and the media. She will also discuss these issues with local, state and federal officials.

Her primary focus is the human rights situation in Uganda and the unique challenges faced by the LGBT Community in that nation. This past December, an Ugandan Member of Parliament tried to get a law passed that would have sentenced lesbians and gays to death.

Ms Kalende has been involved in the opposition to the proposed “kill the gays” bill as an LGBT rights advocate. She has written a full account of the anti-homosexual movement in her nation by drawing from her past work as a journalist. She has also felt the sting of oppression as she has been harassed, beaten and arrested because of her advocacy work.

full text is available here