LGBT Street Posters at ONE Gallery
14 07 2010

LGBT Street Posters of Past and Present at ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives Gallery

One of the most interesting gallery shows out there right now can be found at the ONE Archives Gallery & Museum in West Hollywood.

Out of the Closet & Into the Street: Posters of LGBTQ Struggles and Celebrations is a collaboration between ONE and the locally-based Center for the Study of Political Graphics that showcases over 75 political posters, much that deals with Los Angeles and California. It helps us remember the struggles of the past, but also the ones that are still ongoing.

It's easy to forget that back in the day, postering was a dominate (and is still an important) form of communication before the internet. You might notice that many of the posters, many of which that are calls to action, are void of any websites for further information.

full text is available here