Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: ‘Homosexuality Ceases Procreation’
24 09 2012

NN’s Piers Morgan recently sat down for an extended interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Morgan challenges him about his anti-gay positions, imploring to him that people are born gay, and Ahmadinejad responds by claiming that homosexuality “ceases procreation” and is “something ugly” comparable to stealing:

AHMADINEJAD: Do you really believe that someone is born homosexual?

MORGAN: Yes, I absolutely believe that. Yes, I do.

AHMADINEJAD: I’m sorry, Let me ask you this: Do you believe anyone is given birth to through homosexuality? Homosexuality ceases procreation. Who has said that if you like or believe in doing something ugly and others do not accept your behavior, they’re denying your freedom? Who says that? Perhaps in a country they wish to legitimize stealing?
